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Permanent campaign

The Humane Society of Cozumel Island's clinic has a full time team of 3 veterinarians, 1 vet tech and a 1 vet assistant that work tirelessly everyday towards animal wellbeing. 

The poorest people of Cozumel can have their pet sterelized completly free by just making their pets appointment. 



Sterilization makes a big difference: just one unspayed female dog and her offspring can produce 67,000 puppies in 6 years and female cats an incredible amount of 370,000 kittens!

Your donations help us continue with our permanent campaign.

Tenemos una campaña permanente de esterilización gratuita los 365 días del año en nuestra clínica, hacemos campañas masivas en diferentes partes de la isla y participamos en muchas mas en la península de Yucatán y el resto de México.

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